Our Classes
Everyday Life Skills – Manners 1 – 2 and 3
Location: 20 Ronell Cres. Unit #2 / Collingwood, ON
Dates: Upcoming Sessions: Fall/ Winter 2024
Manners – Level 1
Next Session Starts: January 2025
Cost: $254.25 ($225.00 + HST)
Open to all dogs 1yr. + ( if younger or limited prior training, it will have to be approved prior to class Registration)
Start Dates: January 2025
Thursdays 7pm: Nov. 14-Dec. 12
2025 January 16 – Feb. 20
Mondays 6pm: TBA
Manners II Start Dates $ 259.90 ($230 + HST)
Thursdays 7pm: Oct. 17- Nov. 14
2025 Dates TBA
This is an intermediate/ advanced class.
** Prerequisite is Manners I
- When sending Registration Forms you may specify preference for day/time of class. If there is availability it will be confirmed via email and then your payment can be sent via Etransfer to alwaysfocuseddogs@gmail.com and a Receipt will be issued.
***(Please include your dog’s name and class in the message box on the Etransfer)
(If Your Dog Prefers To Call It ‘Basic Obedience’ we’re Ok With That !)
For dogs 1yr +
This is a class designed for those that have had some formal Training (Completed a round or two of Puppy Classes) but are still in the beginning stages of training your dog or for those ‘brushing’ up on the ‘basics’. This class will review all of those ‘Basics’ as well as teaching your dog to reliably respond to various Cues that you give.
We will work on improving these skills during Distraction training and Focus / Attention work (keeping eyes on you during sessions). All of this will help build their confidence and most importantly strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
- Jumps on company? Strive for Sitting mannerly at the front door
- Pulls on the leash? Work on leash manners with a variety of distractions to improve skills
- Bolts out the front door? Work on Patience and waiting
- Dog has gotten good at the ‘Keep Away’ game with your things?? Teach Mine and Take / Give and Fetch
- Dog ignores you? Get your dog focused on you every time you Call their Name.
- Won’t come when called? Get Reliable Recall every time you call your dog no matter what Distractions are around!!
We will be using various pieces of Fitness equipment during these classes (platforms/ balance discs/name targets and mats) This is a class that will allow you to build on the foundation skills needed for your dog to be successful in everyday life. Within this class there are exercises for beginner right up to more advanced work. There are plenty of fun & challenging exercises for those that need it!
So if you have a newly acquired dog or one that is ready for the next level after puppy class, this is for you!
All Training Classes are an excellent way to bond with your dog all while exercising his body and enriching his mind!