Our Classes
Training Tune Up for your Dog!
Location: $185.00 + HST
Dates: Upcoming Sessions: January 2022
This is a 3 Week Group Session – This is a fast moving, intensive class that is 90 mins. per session and is limited in size so sign up early! We take a break halfway for rest, play, water break and outside time.
Does it feel like your dog has ‘forgotten’ some of those key elements in training?
Do you feel frustrated with him and find you aren’t enjoying your time together?
Does the following sound like your dog?
- Jumps on company? Strive for Sitting mannerly at the front door
- Pulls on the leash? Work on leash manners with a variety of distractions to improve skills
- Bolts out the front door? Work on Patience and waiting
- Dog has gotten good at the ‘Keep Away’ game with your things?? Teach Mine and Take / Give and Fetch
- Dog ignores you? Get your dog focused on you every time you Call their Name.
- Won’t come when called? Get Reliable Recall every time you call your dog no matter what Distractions are around!!
Learn new games, tricks and exercises and work on those important skills that will ‘Tune Up’ your training quickly!!
Let us help you get back on track and back to enjoying your dog with our ‘Tune up Class’!