Puppy Social & Exploration
Puppies similar in age are free to play and explore in a safe and controlled group setting, encouraging proper puppy play and politeness. It is also an excellent time for owners to learn more about canine body language and what is acceptable and what is not. Puppy fun and games! A must for all puppies!
Next Session begins January 2020
Date to be confirmed
Location: Bark and Fitz Collingwood
Open to all puppies between the ages of 8.5-18 weeks.
1st set of Vaccines required.
$15 per session or 3 Sessions for $35
Pre Registration is required.
Contact us to Register your puppy today!
Puppy Primer and Play
Open to all puppies 8.5 - 20 weeks of age
Session in Progress: Nov. 5 - Dec. 10 - Full
Location: Bark and Fitz Collingwood
6:30- 7:20pm
Upcoming Sessions:
Tuesday Jan. 14 -Feb. 18, 2020
Tuesday March 10 - April 21, 2020
6:30 - 7:20pm
Orientation sheets will be sent prior to the 1st class.
Socialization is the process of positively introducing your puppy to Places, People, Animals, Sounds, Objects and Obstacles.
The most important socialization period of your puppies life is the first 3 months, so let us help you and your puppy get the best start possible. Build your puppies Foundation Skills for life using Positive Reinforcement, Rewards Praise and Play!!
During this class your puppy will interact in a safe and controlled way with dogs of varying sizes and breeds as well as…
- Interact with and be handled by various people including men, women and children
- Experience novel sounds using ‘Sound Socialization’
- Experience different surfaces and varying objects in a positive way
- Puppies learn : Settle on a Mat / Targeting / Leash Manners / Come when called / Develop a soft mouth (bite inhibition) Reliability off leash / Focus on Owner/ Sit & Down + Stay
Expose your puppy to everything you want them to accept with confidence as an adult dog.
We will provide you with all the right tools and knowledge to raise a well - mannered happy dog you can take anywhere!
Initial Vaccinations required prior to class.
Contact us to set up your Registration Meet and Greet.

PUPPY PASSPORT – What is it and how does it work?
- Handbook that guides you through the Socialization process – What is it? How do I do it?
- How many people or animals should my puppy meet in a week to be successful? It’s all in there!
- Samples of Places, People, Animals, Sounds, Objects and Obstacles to expose your puppy to in a positive manner as well as How often?
- Areas for writing to track of all of your puppies experiences and types of reactions he had
- ‘Scoring’ your puppies reaction based on the behavior you see.
- Socialization Safety Guidelines
The most comprehensive handbook for successfully Socializing your puppy and it’s included with this class.
Puppy Graduate
Open to all puppies from 5 months to 1 yr.
Session in Progress: Nov. 5- Dec.10- Full
Location: Bark and Fitz Collingwood
7:30-8:20pm - (6 Weeks)
Upcoming Sessions: 2020
Jan. 14 - Feb. 18
March 24- April 28
May 12 - June 16
First night is Orientation - NO Dogs just owners.
For Puppies 18-20 weeks and up
- For those who have completed Puppy Primer and Play OR dogs that haven’t had alot of training or any formal training
- Learn to solidify 'Real Life' skills with introduction of Distractions
- Settle on a Mat -Wait Patiently / Sit & Down Stay (door manners) / Watch Me / Come when Called -Everytime / Leave It /Drop It / Manners on a Leash
- Fun games and exercises to build reliability in their skills development!!
Training Tune Up for your Dog!
Location: Bark and Fitz Collingwood
Upcoming Sessions:
January 22 - Feb. 5, 2020
February 12 - March 4 (NO class Feb. 26)
May 6 - 20
This is a 3 Week Group Session - This is a fast moving, intensive class that is 1.5 hours per session and is limited in size so sign up early!
Does it feel like your dog has 'forgotten' some of those key elements in training?
Do you feel frustrated with him and find you aren't enjoying your time together?
Does the following sound like your dog?
- Jumps on company? Strive for Sitting mannerly at the front door
- Pulls on the leash? Work on leash manners with a variety of distractions to improve skills
- Bolts out the front door? Work on Patience and waiting
- Dog has gotten good at the 'Keep Away' game with your things?? Teach Mine and Take / Give and Fetch
- Dog ignores you? Get your dog focused on you every time you Call their Name.
- Won't come when called? Get Reliable Recall every time you call your dog no matter what Distractions are around!!
Learn new games, tricks and exercises and work on those important skills that will 'Tune Up' your training quickly!!
Let us help you get back on track and back to enjoying your dog with our 'Tune up Class'!
Everday Life Skills - Manners 1
(If your dog prefers to call it 'Basic Obedience'we're ok with that 🙂
Location: Bark and Fitz Collingwood
Upcoming Sessions: 2020
January 13- Feb. 10
March 23 - April 27 (No class April 13)
For dogs 1yr +
This is a class designed for those that have had some formal Training (Completed a round or two of Puppy Classes) but are still in the beginning stages of training your dog or for those 'brushing' up on the 'basics'. This class will review all of those 'Basics' as well as teaching your dog to reliably respond to various Cues that you give.
We will work on improving these skills during Distraction training and Focus / Attention work (keeping eyes on you during sessions). All of this will help build their confidence and most importantly strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
We will be using various pieces of Fitness equipment during these classes (platforms/ balance discs/name targets and mats) This is a class that will allow you to build on the foundation skills needed for your dog to be successful in everyday life. Within this class there are exercises for beginner right up to more advanced work. There are plenty of fun & challenging exercises for those that need it!
So if you have a newly acquired dog or one that is ready for the next level after puppy class, this is for you!
All Training Classes are an excellent way to bond with your dog all while exercising his body and enriching his mind!
Focus + Fitness
Location: Bark and Fitz (Collingwood)
2020 Sessions TBA
Your dog will build confidence, core strength, mobility & FOCUS using canine gym equipment during this Low impact conditioning class.
Improving your dogs balance can help to :
- Increase core strength
- Improve balance and body awareness
- Improve range of motion
- Lose weight and improve joint health
This is a class that will help to keep your dog physically and mentally fit as well as having fun and strengthening the bond between you and your dog.
©Photo courtesy of Clean Run ©Photo courtesy of Fit Paws
In Home Boarding for Clients of Always Focused Dogs
We offer in home boarding for clients of Always Focused Dogs as a safe and enriching alternative to a kennel for your dog when you are away on vacation. We will take the best care of your dog whether you need 1 night of care or multiple weeks while you are away on vacation. No matter what your needs are for in home care, you can feel confident knowing your family pet will enjoy being a part of our home, pets and family.
Contact us for pricing
Private Puppy Sessions
We also offer Private sessions for puppies of all ages if you are in need of extra support during House training, Crate Training, Puppy Nipping and Chewing stages. These sessions are 1 hour in length and can cover the above topics or any that you are finding challenging and would like some added support.
Adopting a new family member?
Personalized Training Plans and Private Sessions are available to prepare and support you before, during and after adding your newest member from a Rescue or an Adoption.